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Silver Heart Frame

This tutorial has been written for Paint Shop Pro (PSP) 8.

It should be possible to complete it with later versions, but some tools may have different options and be located differently.  It can also be completed in PSP 7, but text options are set after you click to place it and with an additional filter.

If you do not know how to apply Super Blade Pro presets, you will find it helpful to look at my SBP Text tutorial HERE

Supplies you will need:

Super Blade Pro filter - Download from Flaming Pear HERE

My Super Blade Pro presets - Download my Zip file HERE
Unzip the file to your "Plugins\Super Blade Pro\Environments and Textures"   folder

If you don't have a heart shape, you can download mine HERE - unzip it to your preset shapes folder (My Documents\Paint Shop Pro\Preset Shapes).

The font I have used is Duvall, which you can download from HERE - choose from the pull down list and then click the download link.

For PSP 7 you will need an additional filter MURA's Pole Transform 


Create a new image 350 x 300 pixels, Raster, White background


Click on the Flood Fill tool.

On the Materials pallet, set the Foreground colour to a dark shade of the colour you want the tag to be and set the Background colour to a very pale shade of the same colour.

Set the Foreground material to Gradient, then click the gradient block and set the following options:

Gradient = Foreground - Background
Style = Linear
Angle = 0
Repeats = 1


Click on the canvas with the flood fill tool to fill it with the gradient.

Adjust menu, Add/Remove Noise, Add Noise

Monochrome = ticked

Effects menu, Distortion Effects, Polar Coordinates - select "Polar To Rectangular"

Layers menu, Duplicate

Image menu, Flip


On the Layers Pallet, change the Blend Mode for the upper layer to Lighten.


Layers menu, Merge, Merge All (Flatten)

Selections menu, Select All

Selections menu, Modify, Contract - 10 pixels

Selections menu, Invert

Click in the selected border with the Flood Fill tool.

Selections menu, Select None

Image, Add Borders - right click the colour box and select the foreground colour.  Set the border size to 1 pixel all round.


Layers menu, New Vector Layer

Click on the Preset Shapes tool

Set both foreground and background materials to the solid colour option and then swap the foreground and background colours over (click the double ended arrow between them) so that the dark shade is the Background colour.

Set the foreground material to Null (no-entry sign)

On the Tool Options, select the heart shape.  On the Tool Options pallet, make sure Retain Style is unticked.

Draw a heart filling most of the canvas, inside the border area.

Objects menu, Align, Centre in Canvas



Layers menu, Duplicate

On the Layers pallet, select the middle layer

Layers menu, Convert To Raster

Adjust, Add/Remove Noise, Add Noise - 20 % (you won't see any change in your image because it is covered by the top layer still)




On the Layers Pallet, click on the top layer

Click on the Object Selector tool (Picker tool in PSP Photo XI), and the heart shape should become selected.  If it doesn't, click the + sign on the top layer and then click on the name of the shape on the layer pallet (if you try to click on the heart itself it will probably move).

Objects menu, Properties

Turn (tick) the Stroke colour, and turn off (untick) the Fill colour. Set the Stroke Width to 8 and the line style to Solid.  Anti-Alias and Visible should both be ticked.

Selections menu, From Vector Object

Layers menu, Convert to Raster Layer


Effects menu, Plugins, Flaming Pear Super Blade Pro

Load my silver_heart-jh preset and then click OK

Effects menu, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow

Horizontal = 1
Vertical = 1
Opacity = 60
Blur = 10
Colour = black

Selections menu, Select None.


Layers menu, New Vector Layer

Select the Preset Shapes tool - it should still be set to the heart.

Swap the Foreground and background colour over (click arrow between the small boxes), so that the foreground is still set to Null and the background is set to the very pale shade of the colour you are using.


Draw a small heart approximate 1/3 of the height of the one you already have.

Click on the Object Selector tool

Use the centre spot to drag the heart into position just above the bottom of the big heart.  

Objects menu, Align, Horz Centre in Canvas.


Selections menu, From Vector Object

Layers menu, Convert to Raster Layer

Effects menu, Plugins, Flaming Pear, Super Blade Pro

Load the silver_heart_solid-jh preset and click OK

Effects menu, 3D Effect, Drop Shadow - same settings as before.

Selections menu, Select None


Layers menu, new Vector Layer

Click on the Text tool

The materials pallet should remain as before, with the light shade as the background material, and the foreground material set to Null.

On the Options Pallet, set the font to Duvall, and size to 36.

Click in the centre of the heart, type in your text and click Apply.

Click on the Object Selector tool (Picker tool in PSP Photo XI)

Use the handles on the sides to adjust the width and height of the text, and drag the centre spot to position the text so that there is an even gap between both ends and the edge of the heart frame.


Selections menu, From Vector Object

Layers menu, Convert to Raster Layer

Effects menu, Plugins, Flaming Pear, Super Blade Pro. 

Load my silver_text-jh preset and click OK

Effects menu, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow - use the same settings as before.

Selections menu, Select None

Save in .jpg format, making sure you click options on the save dialogue and set the compression to 1.