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Silver Locket

Tutorial written for Paint Shop Pro 8
No external filters required

This tutorial shows you how to make the locket only and export as a tube.  It is shown here on a cushion.... my Velvet Cushion tutorial is HERE

Download the Traditional Floral Designs font HERE.  Unzip the font to a folder (it doesn't matter where so long as you can find it.)

Download my silver chain tube and save it to your tubes folder (no need to unzip it).

Now use Windows Explorer to find your unzipped "Traditional Floral Designs.ttf " font file, and double click on it to open it - then click the minimise button (box with line at bottom) in the top right corner of its window, so that you just have it showing on the task bar at the bottom of your screen.

In Paint Shop Pro....

Create a new image 250 x 300 pixels, transparent background (raster)


Click on the Selection Tool
On the Tool Options pallet, select Ellipse from the pull down list.  

Mode = Replace, 
Feather = 0, 
Anti-Alias ticked

Start with your mouse pointer at 125, 180 approximately (where the red x is)  and drag diagonally downwards to create an oval selection.

Click on the Flood Fill tool

On the Options pallet, check that Match Mode is set to None.

Set your foreground color to pale gray #C0C0C0 and your background color to white.  Then set the foreground material to Gradient.  Click the gradient block to select the gradient options.

Gradient = Foreground - Background
Style = Linear
Angle = 45
Repeats = 5

Fill the selection with the gradient (click anywhere inside the selection)

Effects menu, 3D Effects, Inner Bevel

Bevel Shape = 2 (quarter circle)
Width = 5
Smoothness = 50
Depth = 4
Ambience = 0
Shininess = 0
Color = White
Angle = 315
Elevation = 30
Intensity = 50


Layers menu, New Raster Layer

Effects menu, 3D Effects, Cutout

Horizontal = 5
Vertical = 5
Opacity = 45
Blur = 10
Color =  Black
Fill Interior unticked.

Selections menu, Select None


Layers menu, New Vector Layer

Click on the Text tool

Set the foreground color to dark gray and the background colour to medium gray.  Both solid colours (not gradient)

Click on the centre of the locket.

Font = Traditional Floral Designs
Size = 72
I've used the design on the letter 's' , but you can use whatever you like - even a different font.

When you have clicked Apply on the text box, Click on the Object Selector Tool (Picker tool in PSP Photo XI)

Stretch the graphic and move it into position in upper area of the locket..


Layers menu, Convert To Raster Layer.

Effects menu, Texture Effects, Emboss

On the Layer Pallet, use the slider to lower the layer opacity to 80.

Layers menu, Merge, Merge Visible.

(examples that follow show text on the locket, but we will be adding it at the end of the turorial instead of at this stage)




Layers menu, New Raster Layer

Move this new layer to the bottom - Layers menu, Arrange, Send to Bottom.  (or drag it down on the layer pallet)

Click on the Selection tool.  On the Options Pallet, set the Selection Type to Rounded Rectangle.

Drag to create a small selection at the left hand edge of the locket (this will be the hinge). The selection should overlap the the locket.

On the Layer Pallet, make sure the Raster1 layer is highlighted.

Click on the Flood Fill tool.

Set your Foreground colour to dark gray  and the background color to white.   

Set the foreground material to gradient and click on the gradient swatch to set the gradient options.

Gradient = Foreground - Background
Style = Linear
Angle = 90
Repeats = 3

Click on the Selection to fill it.



Click on the Paintbrush tool.

Set the Tool Options as follows:

Shape = Round (there's a round and square shape
                            to choose from)
Size = 2
Hardness = 0
Step = 25
Density = 100
Thickness = 100
Rotation = 0
Opacity = 100
Blend Mode = Normal
Wet Look Paint = unticked.

Set your foreground color to dark gray, solid color

With the paintbrush, draw 2 lines on the hing.  One a third of the way down from the top and one a third of the way up from the bottom.

Selections menu, Select None


On the Layer Pallet, click on top (Merged) layer.

Layers menu, New Raster Layer

Click on the Tube tool and select the Silver Chain 2 tube from the list.

Set the Scale to 40, Step=100, Placement Mode=Continuous, Selection Mode=Angular

This tube works a little like a brush - but it paints lengths of chain.  You have to drag with the mouse to draw with it.

Start with your mouse in the middle of the locket and begin to move your mouse vertically upwards, and when you have moved it a short way, then hold down your mouse button and continue to drag straight up to draw a short length of chain (4 links is plenty).

Image menu, Flip

Click on the Mover Tool, and use it to drag the length of chain so that the top link and half of the next one down are just above the top of the locket (as shown).

Layers menu, Arrange, Send To Bottom (or drag the layer to the bottom on the Layer Pallet.


On the Layer Pallet, click bottom layer (Raster 2)

Layers menu, New Raster Layer

Layers menu, Arrange, Send to Bottom (or drag the layer Raster 3 to the bottom on the Layer Pallet).

Click on the tube tool - the Silver Chain 2 tube should still be selected.  

Set the Scale to 20, Step=100, Placement Mode=Continuous, Selection Mode=Angular

Start in the top left position, a little in from the corner, and follow line 1 (shown) diagonally down to the loop on the locket, dragging with the mouse.  Let go of the mouse button and move to the start of line 2.  Move the mouse up diagonally following line 2 without holding down the button.  When you reach the loop at the top of the locket, hold down the mouse button and continue along line 3.

This may take you a few attempts to get the angles right and a neat start/end to your lengths of chain.   If you are not happy with your result on any section just click the Undo button and then try again.


Layers menu, Merge, Merge Visible

File menu, Export, Picture Tube

Enter a "Tube Name" in the box (eg Silver Locket) and click OK.  The default settings in the other boxes are suitable for this tube.  


When you want to use the locket in a tag, use your tube tool to place it on a new layer. If necessary, use the Deformation tool to adjust its size and position and if you need to Sharpen the layer -  and then proceed as follows:

Click on the Text tool.

Set the foreground colour to dark gray, solid color and the background color to medium grey, solid colour

On the Options Pallet, set the stroke width to 1

Click the locket below the flowers.

Select any fine font (there isn't space for anything too heavy).  I've used Aramis, but a script font or even Times New Roman set to italic would look good.

Enter the name, set the size to between 16 and 22 points (depending on the length of your name and the font you've chosen).

When you are happy with the size/font for your text, apply your text.

Click on the Object Selector tool (Picker tool in PSP Photo XI), and use it to adjust the size, position and rotation of your text.

When you are happy with your text continue.


Layers menu, Convert To Raster Layer.

Effects menu, Texture Effects, Emboss

On the Layer Pallet, use the slider to lower the layer opacity to 80.

Turn off the visibility on any other layers except for the locket and the text, and then Layers menu, Merge, Merge Visible.

Turn the visibility of your other layers back on before continuing with finishing your tag.